'Teen Mom' Star Amber Portwood Gives Emotional Update Amid Custody Drama

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Credit: MTV

At the beginning of this year, Amber Portwood shared that she was “thankful” after passing court-ordered tests and winning more custody time with James.

However, things seem to have shifted for the Teen Mom star after her ex Andrew Glennon filed to stop Amber’s visits. The custody case was sealed at Amber’s request, so her cryptic update is all we know about their ongoing dispute over their son.

Amber Portwood is trying not to worry about what the “future may hold” as she faces an ongoing custody battle with Andrew Glennon over their son.

Back in June, Andrew filed a motion to suspend any visits between Amber and James. He alleged that his ex was a “neglectful parent” because the 5-year-old “busted his lip” in her care.

In response, Amber requested that the entire custody case be sealed to the public, which was granted by the judge. All information about their dispute, even if it was previously available, is now inaccessible.

Credit: MTV

Back in 2022, Amber lost custody of the 5-year-old because of a prior domestic violence incident with his father. However, she worked hard to get the time back after that.

According to The Sun, the Teen Mom star successfully passed court-ordered drug tests and was granted the maximum amount of visitation with her son in January.

The 33-year-old was able to see James five full days each month before the latest update. It was during one of her periods of unsupervised visitation that the incident occurred on May 16.

The young child was on a video call with his father while staying at a hotel with Amber. According to Andrew’s filing, he injured his lip while jumping on the bed and “the minor child became hysterical.”

The 39-year-old went on to claim that Amber “immediately terminated the video call” and “refused to respond for an extended amount of time to his numerous inquiries, including phone calls and text messages, as to what happened and what was going on,” reported The Sun.

Andrew felt the need to go get James from the hotel around 1:30am for his safety.
